A crucial component relevant to the growth of both the black hole and the galaxy is the gas content of the host galaxy. Gas, both neutral and molecular hydrogen, also offers an effective tool to quantify the global kinematics, and hence the gravitational potential, of the host galaxy. This provides an alternative, effective method to study the scaling relation between black hole mass and host galaxy mass. Gas is also the fuel for star formation and AGN activity in galaxies. AGN feedback can drive gas outflows and regulate star formation in galaxies. The focus of this workshop will be to bring together these different themes to discuss and explore the interplay between gas, dust and star formation of AGN host galaxies in the galaxy population, and make plans for future observations with variety of facilities including ALMA and the 500m FAST radio telescope.
Date: September 30, 2016;
Venue: KIAA-PKU Auditorium, Peking University
Morning - Session 1
(each talk will be 12 min presentation + 3 min Q&A)
09:00-09:05 Welcome and workshop overview by Luis Ho
09:05-09:20 Luis Ho
09:20-09:35 Shangguan Jingyi
09:35-09:50 Xie Yanxia
09:50-10:05 Guilin Liu
10:05-10:20 Yingjie Peng
10:20-10:40 Coffee/Tea break
Morning - Session 2
(each talk will be 12 min presentation + 3 min Q&A)
10:40-10:55 Chengpeng Zhang
10:55-11:10 Zhongyi Man
11:10-11:25 Jing Wang
11:25-11:40 Ran Wang
11:40-11:55 Qiong Li
11:55-12:10 Yali Shao
12:10- 13:00 Lunch
Afternoon - Session 3
13:00-15:00 Discussion and Brainstorming
15:00-15:15 Coffee/Tea break
Afternoon - Session 4
15:15-16:30 Workshop summary, make plans for projects and observations with FAST, JCMT, ALMA, etc.