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Four Postdoctoral Fellows at PKU Awarded the Chinese Postdoctoral General Grant in Astronomy

Wed, 2016-11-16  Chinese Postdoctoral Foundation has announced the awardees of the postdoc general grant this year. Four post doctoral fellows at PKU (KIAA & DoA) were listed in the field of astronomy.

The 2016 KIAA-PKU Astrophysics Forum held at KIAA

Mon, 2016-11-14  On Nov 10-11, 2016, KIAA hosted the 2016 KIAA-PKU Astrophysics Forum, with this year's topic being "Future Large Optical-Infrared Facilities in China".

Max Planck Partner Group has been formed in KIAA and Department of Astronomy

Wed, 2016-10-26  October 2016, Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) Partner group in pulsar astronomy is formed in KIAA and Department of Astronomy in Peking University.

Constraining f(R) Gravity Theory Using CFHTLenS Weak Lensing Peak Statistics

Fri, 2016-10-14  With CFHTLenS Weak Lensing observations, a team from Peking University, Durham University (UK), National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai Normal University, carried out detailed WL peak analyses and derived stringent constr

Announcing the 2016 KIAA-PKU Astrophysics Forum

Fri, 2016-09-30  We are happy to announce the 2016 KIAA-PKU Astrophysics Forum —“Future Large Optical-Infrared Facilities in China” to be held Nov 10-11, 2016 at KIAA.

Black hole - Host Lifecycle Evolution (BHOLE) workshop: Gas, Dust and Star Formation of AGN Host Galaxies

Wed, 2016-09-28  September 30, 2016; KIAA-PKU Auditorium, Peking University.

Chilean Delegation Visited KIAA

Thu, 2016-09-01  A Chilean delegation visited KIAA and attended a special seminar with faculty and postdocs from KIAA on September 1, 2016.

Nancy Sung from NSF visited KIAA

Fri, 2016-08-26  Nancy Sung, Director of China office of National Science Foundation(NSF),United States visited KIAA on August 19, 2016.

The DRAGON globular cluster simulations: a million stars, black holes and gravitational waves

Mon, 2016-06-27  An international team of experts from China and Europe has performed the first simulations of globular clusters with a million stars.

Announcing the First AST (Ali Six-point-five-meter Telescope) Workshop

Thu, 2016-06-23  We are pleased to announce that the first AST (Ali Six-point-five-meter Telescope) workshop will be held on July 3rd at KIAA-PKU.